[Amps] pair of NOS 3-400Z available at a bargain price!

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at eon.net.au
Sat Aug 26 19:44:01 EDT 2006

There's tubes lurking around in people's garages here downunder. They 
show up from time to time for lest than 1/3 of that price.

You just gotta have patience and a keen eye.

73, Alek

At 07:24 AM 27/08/2006, Van K7VS wrote:
>If they are eimac's that is a GREAT price.  Particularly if they are 
>in unopened boxes.  Regarding the "OUCH" comment, please lead me to 
>a pair at that price.  That being EIMAC tubes in unopened boxes and 
>I will certainly pick them up for one of my amplifiers.


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