[Amps] Parasitics & Filament Sag

Mike Sawyer w3slk at uplink.net
Sat Aug 26 22:48:33 EDT 2006

Rich said:
Mike -- what is the measured resistance of the VHF parasitic
suppressor's R in the

I wouldn't know, I never owned one. However, the amp that we used the 
nichrome on was a HB 2 X 813 amp. Myself and my co-colaborator, got a 
'ticket' from the FCC. It seems we were throwing VHF spurs at 145MHZ. It was 
about that time your article in QST showed up and mentioned using nichrome 
hairpins instead of the standard, "4 turns of wire around a 47Ω resistor". 
We used my IC-2AT to hear the spurs before changing the parasitic 
suppressors. Then checked after the suppressors were replaced. No spurs. We 
also contacted the ham who filed the report with the FCC and asked him to 
sweep the freq. to ensure we were in compliance. Once again, no spurs 
detected. My friend, (who was operating the amp when the report was filed) 
returned the form to the FCC stating what had occured and what we did to 
cure  the problem. Also mentioning the other ham's participation in checking 
for the unwanted emission. No further action was required and the amp is to 
this day operating the way we left it with the 'hairpin suppressors' 

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