[Amps] Parasitics & Filament Sag
R L Measures
r at somis.org
Sun Aug 27 09:42:11 EDT 2006
On Aug 27, 2006, at 12:22 AM, Ian White GM3SEK wrote:
> R L Measures wrote:
>>> N7WS made independent measurements of this.
>> N7WS, Wes, was the man who single handedly ended the grate parasitics
>> debate between Tom and me by measuring the Q and parallel-
>> equivalent R
>> (Rp) of a conventional parasitic suppressor and that of a low VHF-Q
>> parasitic suppressor -- And publishing the results without first
>> consulting with Tom. The results:
>> http://www.somis.org/Rp-comp.html
> :
> Rich gives only one part of the story. For the information of relative
> newcomers, "let the record show" the other part as well:
> N7WS categorically disagreed with Rich's interpretation of his
> measurements. He considered that Rich had misused the data in his web
> pages.
From the beginning of the Grate Parasitics Debate alt.amateur-
radio.homebrew, N7WS, Wes had been in the Rauchian camp. Wes was one
of the few in theSince Wes correctly realized that the Q of a VHF
suppressor could be reduced to whatever was needed by simply
increasing L-supp and increasing R-supp, he argued against the
benefit of resistance wire in VHF suppressors. IOW, it is possible
to make just as low of a Q VHF-suppressor aut of silver or copper
wire as it is with resistance wire. However, the tradeoff with using
a metal with high conductivity is that doing so - for the same Q
result - increases the dissipative burden on R-supp . Wes apparently
did not realize that the reason I use resistance-wire to achieve
lower VHF suppressor Q and lower Rp - which lowers VHF gain - was
because there was no off the shelf source of MOF resistors of
sufficiently low inductance that could dissipate the additional power
caused by using a virtually lossless conductor material such as
silver or copper.
The day after Wes' measurements were published, I received a
telephone call from a friend in Maine informing me that following
Wes' publication of his measurements, Tom had gone on a somewhat
fuzzy tirade on 160m that lasted into the wee hours. A pall fell
over the Rauchian camp. A few days later, they accused me of doing
the teenage girl who was doing mail orders for low-Q parasitic
suppressor retrofit kits. After that, they left en-masse. Shortly
thereafter, I got an e-mail informing me that Tom et al. had moved to
the AMPS reflector. After subscribing to AMPS, I received a
telephone call from AMPS moderator-censor-administrator informing me
that he had followed the debate on alt.amateur-radio.homebrew and
that I was under suspicion. The special treatment struck me as a bit
odd. The debate on parasites with Tom continued and I was
jackbooted off of AMPS. I got the impression that AMPS was a part of
the Rauchian camp that was intended to protect Tom from unmoderated
discussions like the misfortunate one that had just taken place on
> Although N7WS cannot prevent Rich from re-publishing his own
> interpretation of the measurements, Wes Stewart does not wish to be
> associated in any way with Rich's web page.
Ian -- Interpretation? Are you suggesting that there is more
than one type of Q ?
> --
> 73 from Ian GM3SEK
> http://www.ifwtech.co.uk/g3sek
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R L MEASURES, AG6K. 805-386-3734
r at somis.org
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