[Amps] TL-922 question

R L Measures r at somis.org
Tue Aug 29 06:47:38 EDT 2006

On Aug 29, 2006, at 3:27 AM, Gudguyham at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 8/29/2006 6:11:00 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
> r at somis.org writes:
> In my experiences, they don't open, they short because the dielectric
> punches through.
> Perhaps, but then will he still be able to load it up as he says he  
> does?

  If a Load C shorts, nothing gets through the tank.  Since there is  
output, the switch that is in series with the Load C must be open.  .

> If it was shorted, then his variable load cap would be shorted to  
> ground and he would probably not experience and change in loading  
> due to it being shorted through the padder cap.  As he explains it,  
> it seems as though it may be opened.  Either way, the problem could  
> be with the padder cap.

I don't think this will be found to be the case.

> Lou

R L MEASURES, AG6K. 805-386-3734
r at somis.org

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