[Amps] Question about TPTG oscillators

k7fm k7fm at teleport.com
Wed Aug 30 10:47:21 EDT 2006

"Changing the subject, I hope someone somewhere is keeping and
restoring these old examples of the radio art. It would truly be a
shame if someday the last one disappeared."

It is easy to restore these old gems - and new ones are recreated daily.

What are disappearing are the old time radio operators.  Someday, soon, the 
last one will disappear.  There will be no commercial telegraphers left - 
few who used tube testers to make a living and few who have built their own 
transmitters and receivers.  No more memories of buying an ARC-5 from J.J. 
Glass of Los Angeles for $3.95 or Eimac 304Tl tubes for $1.50, then 
rewinding an old transformer to get the required filament voltage.

But, at least the few who saw you dump the PCB laden pole pig into the storm 
drain have already died and the statute of limitations has run.

So, enjoy this stuff while we can.

73,  Colin  K7FM 

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