[Amps] FW: Re: current ratings

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Tue Dec 5 18:17:17 EST 2006

> I love it when they can give you some solid answers.  As 
> usual the 1000V
> caps have greater current capability due to their size.

Not necessarily. It's often because RF capacitors are 
voltage limited. It's an E = I*X*1.414 problem.
Either increasing capacitance (lowering reactance), 
increasing frequency, or increasing voltage rating increases 
current rating.

> While they didn't give you every value in their catalog 
> you can see small
> values have low current ability and large ones great.  You 
> can interpolate
> the current ability for any values in between.

See above. Multiply current times rectance times 1.4141 for 
peak voltage.

Now the real problem is the current and voltages. Since the 
network has Q and often does not have the same surge 
impedance throughout, you can't use simple formulas.

73 Tom 

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