[Amps] TL922-one tube dead?

Hsu Jbenson at sohu.com
Sun Dec 10 03:22:43 EST 2006

   I have 3-500C, $135/ea(less  than 10 piecs),  over 10 piecs, $ 125/ea.
 The 3-500C is same as RF parts's 3-500Z, same  factory's products,raphite
 anode.the shipping cost is only depend on the shipping way , weight and distance.
  I'll not charge additional cost. I have  sold some tubes in this refelector.
           73! Hsu
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andy Diethard Hansen" <HB9CVQ at hispeed.ch>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 7:35 AM
Subject: [Amps] TL922-one tube dead?

> Hi Group,
> My modified TL-922 (230V/50Hz) created some humming noise in the past month
> (may be filament transformer-somehow remaining after PA switched off) before
> going to half power after 15 years, yesterday. Some smell came from the amp.
> The noise now is very strong  when switched on and will reduce a little
> after a while.
> Looked from the outside first like some arcing on the board right next to
> the left upper corner. One tube is now not heating anymore (left from
> front). Grid Idle/plate current and power out are down to 50% normal in CW
> and SSB. HV is normal. I assume one tube has gone to heaven (matched
> pair?-3-500Z orig.)
> Questions:
> Where do I get quickly a reasonably priced (set?) of tubes and a
> FILAMENT Transformer???
> Any other advice/comments/experience? tnx for help
> Andy HB9CVQ
> www.qrz.com/hb9cvq
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