[Amps] W2ONV's Amp for sale on eBay

PlanerGuy at aol.com PlanerGuy at aol.com
Mon Dec 11 22:10:53 EST 2006

In a message dated 12/11/2006 5:07:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
bmaser at tampabay.rr.com writes:
I think that the 4CX10000D tube 
originally came from me but he told me that the tube was NG.  I can't 
believe that there are 21 bidders for this piece of poorly built equipment. 
The screening is a nice touch.
The screening looks cheasy, and placement of the meters and knobs look pretty
much like someone was flying by the seat of their pants during design and 
building stages.  The screening I'm sure can be replaced with solid metal 
I noted that it's showing some rust, and is a bit too dirty for my tastes.
I also have to wonder about a 220volt single phase transformers current draw
for this monster.  My Henry can make the house lights dim!
None-the-less, he claims it works very well, and is willing to demonstrate it 
his "Lab"..?  

Other than the above gripes-  What else looks poorly built here?

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