[Amps] QST Jan 06 (Off topic)

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Tue Dec 19 07:17:26 EST 2006

Instead of pursuing this here, why not take it to towertalk at contesting.com, where it will be on topic?

73, Pete N4ZR

At 12:42 AM 12/19/2006, Doug wrote:
>Your take on my operational status is fairly accurate.  I am mechanical by
>nature and have a limited knowledge in the electronics arena.  This is why I
>like to build antennas and work, (Limited), with amplifiers.  This is the
>part of the hobby that I can work in.  Again, this is why that I rely on
>'seasoned' amateurs for assistance.
>I have built many antennas, from dipoles to 6 element yagis.  With that
>said, I do not possess the knowledge to completely design my own antennas.
>I rely on other's designs as a starting point and work from there.
>I posted the request here because I knew I would get responses from
>'seasoned' amateurs that I respect and have greatly helped me in the past.
>I sent an e-mail to the article's author, but have not received an answer.
>I am sure he is busy, as all of us are.
>I truly respect and appreciate your post.  I was hoping that someone who was
>familiar with this type of antenna, or antennas that are physically
>shortened could assist me with understanding how to check for resonance once
>the antenna was manufactured.
>At the moment, I am limited to TV rotors, until my tower is erected.  This
>antenna appealed to this limitation.
>I plan to construct this antenna in the next couple of weeks.  I will be
>using 3/8" o.d. 316SS tubing for the elements.  I am going to do away with
>the wire end sections and bend the tubing to make the elements.  I use a
>Swagelok roller tubing bender that allows for > 120 degree bends.
>If this design works fairly well, I plant to build a 10M version.  I see
>that the 10M version was discussed from the 50's through the 80's.  I will
>probably order the past articles to see what they had to say.
>If the moderator takes issue with my post then so-be-it.  My post is ham
>related, (for learning purposes), and I do not see where it will cause him a
>Again, I appreciate your response.
>73, Doug
>-----Original Message-----
>From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
>Behalf Of Robert Chudek - KØRC
>Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 4:13 PM
>To: amps at contesting.com
>Subject: [Amps] QST Jan 06 (Off topic)
>Hello Doug,
>Yup, your question is off topic for this group, but I hope the moderator
>will tolerate a few replies to your question.
>When I read your question and look at your callsign & QRZ listing, I
>speculate you fall outside the "very seasoned 'professional' amateur
>operator" who populate this forum!  :-)
>I strongly encourage you to try your hand at building that antenna, or any
>antenna, for that matter. Whether the result is a stunning success or hardly
>outperforms a standard dipole won't be as important as what you will learn
>along the way! Fabricating an antenna is similar to building an amplifier
>because it combines mechanics/fabrication, electronics/RF theory, and of
>course a bunch of magic!
>You may want to join the TowerTalk reflector because that groups focus is
>primarily tower and support structures, but they also get into antenna
>discussions from time to time. Oh, and of course, how to determine "true
>north", bird deterrents such as "plastic owls", and how to prepare PL-259's
>and seal them properly. Fun stuff!
>73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
>Message: 9
>Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 16:15:31 -0500
>From: Doug <dcoffman at iquest.net>
>Subject: [Amps] QST Jan 06 (Off topic)
>To: "" <amps at contesting.com>
>Message-ID: <1166476531.458704f35c8ca at webmail.iquest.net>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>This is off topic for this group, however what is the consensus of the 17 
>meter "Wonder Bar" antenna?
>>From a stand point of low wind load and some directivity, this looks like a
>good project for my QTH.  I do have questions concerning tuning and spacing
>the elements.  
>First off, is this beam actually worth building?
>I own the MFJ 249 (pre B version) and a Grid Dip Meter.  I would like to
>understand how to tune the elements for resonance.
>There were no formulae given or stated for construction of this beam or 
>construction of a similar beam on another band.  A Google search did not
>much information.  I was contemplating ordering the older QST articles that 
>were referenced.
>Doug - N9XTF
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