[Amps] TT 425 low plate voltage

Doug Charette paintedgun at ecewb.com
Sun Dec 31 17:37:48 EST 2006

I just powered up a new to me amp that I got a year and half ago.  Couldn't
test it before now for lack of a 220v circuit.  With no drive it's showing
about 1500v Ep in the low position and 2000v Ep in the high position.  The
book says I should see 1900v Ep in low position and 2700v Ep in high.  Mains
measure at 230v.  Can someone point me in the right direction here to find
out what's wrong?  Additionally, I see no airflow across the tubes.  I
haven't pulled the cover to make sure the fan is free to spin yet, but
that's next.

Doug W5GA

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