[Amps] TT 425 low plate voltage

Joe Giacobello k2xx at swva.net
Sun Dec 31 18:27:52 EST 2006

Both of my Titans show low plate voltage, but they output 1500+ watts.  
I believe the shunt resistor is known to be a problem.  I believe I have 
a reference that describes the issue and will look in my files if you 
would like.

73, Joe

Gudguyham at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 12/31/2006 5:38:58 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
> paintedgun at ecewb.com writes:
> With no  drive it's showing
> about 1500v Ep in the low position and 2000v Ep in the  high position.  The
> book says I should see 1900v Ep in low position  and 2700v Ep in high
> Could be that the HV metering resistors changed value.  Common.   Lou
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