[Amps] Radio Shack Sweep Tubes

Gene Bigham jbigham2 at kc.rr.com
Fri Feb 3 17:35:56 EST 2006

Well another stroll down memory lane.  Radio Shack sweep tubes were not as heavy as the Sylvania or RCA's of the time period.  It was easy to smoke them under tune up or long winded qso conditions, especially if you ran AM with the drive turned up too high on many of those old rigs.  They got wise in a hurry and stopped replacing tubes for hams.  Ha ha ha  Cannot say I could blame them.
Around 1980 Electronics Supply in Kansas City still had most of these tubes, even the ruggidized version if available.  Within a few years though, alas, it all changed and sweep was swept away.  Goodbye to an era.  So long muscle cars, etc.

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