[Amps] Name of Designer of TenTec Titan 425?

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sun Feb 5 14:08:53 EST 2006

>I would like to know his name, call and e-mail 
>address in order to obtain some component replacement info.

I have gotten reasonably good support on Titan 425 from the guy in 
Ten-Tec's service department who specializes in working on them. His 
name is John, and he's not a ham -- his background is in 
broadcasting. BTW -- there are several guys in service named John, 
but ask the telephone operator for John in service, tell whoever 
answers you need help working on a 425 (or whatever amp/radio you 
have), and they'll point you to the right guy. 

The service manager at TenTec is NOT helpful, not even a little bit, 
and will tell you to send whatever product you ask about in for 
service. Do this only if you won the lottery -- the repair bill can 
easily be greater than the value of whatever needs fixing. 

Jim K9YC

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