[Amps] Thanks for helping with wayward Henry amp Problem

Gary Smith wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net
Mon Feb 6 13:10:53 EST 2006

No doubt about it, Henry made some tough amps in their day.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <w2cqm at juno.com>
To: <Amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 7:56 AM
Subject: [Amps] Thanks for helping with wayward Henry amp Problem

>I wanted to thank the many individuals who  took  the time to offer
> insightful suggestions about the problem I was experiencing when I turned
> on the Henry Amp and it  without excitation  was drawing current.  I made
> all the tests suggested and still the solution eluded me.  At that point
> in time, on the high end of the exasperation scale, I realized that I was
> probably looking in the wrong places.  Although I'm embarrassed to admit
> it, I prove unquestionably  the age old adage is absolutely true  that
> none is so blind that has eyes and see not!  Buried under one lead of a  
> filament voltage  thru chassis fitting,  I noticed  a .01 mfd  bypass
> capacitor that I didn't even  know existed. Obviously,  I  also came to
> an immediate realization  that this almost inconsequential  charred
> component (that had apparently exploded) was in need of replacement. Sure
> enough, it was welded closed and it exhibited a dead short to ground.  
> In any event, all's well that ends well when it was replaced. The Henry
> is up and running and as happy as any inanimate object could be. Thanks
> again for all your thoughts. It's greatly appreciated.  Keep in mind that
> the one filament leg, although grounded and  without HV, apparently was
> still able to light the filaments without even a hint of a problem. Best
> regards, Ron W2CQM/3 
> Epilogue: visit  www.QRZ.COM/W2CQM for a listing of the  most recent
> articles authored by  W2CQM. 
> For an update on the most recent Heath 6m dedicated retrofits,  Drake
> L4B/8877  project(s) ,and other amplifier related articles see 
> http://briefcase.yahoo.com/W2CQMron
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