[Amps] transformer talk

Partain, Chuck Chuck_Partain at maxtor.com
Fri Feb 10 15:21:50 EST 2006

ok so now...

   is this a good start for checking a transformer?

Specify 2000 vac at say 1 amp.

the test is

manufacture the device for unloaded output 3% higher (whats that 60-100v)

short the secondary and apply an input voltage until you reach the specified output of 1a

watch the heat rise over (IEEE specs I think) 6 hours with a thermocouple or until it
gains no more than 1deg c per hour. 

plot resistance drop of pri and sec every 15 seconds for 15 mins and see plot delta.

make sure seconfdary resistance is VERY low ~11 ohms.

Hi pot to whatever, say 10kv

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