[Amps] A question - Clipperton L

noddie noddie at comcast.net
Thu Feb 16 23:13:09 EST 2006

I can confirm that you remove FL-1 for the 10 meter TX, I did the mod about
a year ago and the old FL-1 sitting in front of me.

I also got the tuned input board from Bill at Omega as a kit, if I remember.
It is a little tricky to tame down on some bands.  I had to move the
windings on the coils closer together on 15 meters if I remember. You will
need a really good Dummy Load and a steady hand:)  By the way if you do the
tuned input mod, check everything again with the cover on, as there is some
interaction going on.

Mike K6BR

Wasn`t the FL-1 a band pass/band reject filter to limit operation  below 10
meters? If I remember correctly you have to delete this filter when adding
10 meters to this amp. Jim K7RDX
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doug Renwick" <ve5ra at sasktel.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] A question - Clipperton L

> My notes say:
> Dentron offered a relay switched tuned input for later Ls or a kit.
> Omega Electronics tuned input board can be and has been used.
> I do not have a drawing of FL-1, but it appears to consist of 3
> switched toroids.
> Doug/VA5DX
> The old Dentron Clipperton L did not have tuned input
> circuits as far as now, but there have been a few on eBay
> saying that they have. As I know it, only the Dentron
> Clipperton QRO had tuned input circuits.
> When looking at the circuit diagram for a Clipperton L
> there is "an impedance matching circuit" called FI 1 -
> but one can not see what's in there, anyone who knows?
> 73 de Osten SM5DQC    sm5dqc at areteadsl.se
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