Re: [Amps] The FCC & 1ØM Amps

Sat Feb 18 08:18:55 EST 2006

wonder if our good friend, Raymond the crooked FCC attorney, would be 
eligible for an FCC license if he would have been properly indicted and 
convicted of criminal conspiracy and felony federal bribery laws?
would we have to allow him to have an amateur license? would the ARRL allow 
him to take an ARRL administered FCC amateur test?  could he legally obtain 
an FCC license to operate one of the amplifiers he bastardized federal 
regulations for?
wonder what Raymond's role was in selling our HF earned priviledges to BPL 
and auctioning off other amateur frequency assignements?

Cliff N7HIY

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "R. Measures" <r at>
To: "N7HIY" <N7HIY at>
Cc: "AA6DX - Mark" <aa6dx at>; "Amps Group" <amps at>
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2006 4:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] The FCC & 1ØM Amps

On Feb 18, 2006, at 4:16 AM, N7HIY wrote:

> interesting Rich,
> so there is graft, corruption and soul selling in the FCC for a fist full 
> of pesos
> what a surprise and we are supposed to respect them and their regulations?

••    Good point Cliff.  An interesting sidelight about Raymond K______
is that he was a proponent of revoking the FCC licenses of those who
used "indecent" language over Ham radio.  In an interview with a Ham
radio magazine he said he was extremely concerned about indent language
because he didn't want his 18-yr old daughter to learn any bad words.

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