[Amps] 87A vs. IC-PW1

Dave Burr dtburr at speakeasy.net
Wed Feb 22 12:19:21 EST 2006

I know this seems to be a weird question, but I have the subject amps that I can use with my '7800, and I think one of them needs to go because I can really only use one at a time. There are lots of contesters on this list with some serious experience, so I figured I might bounce this off of you. You might even disagree with my assessment:

PW1 Advantages

It has an antenna tuner (although what is the point of pumping a bunch of power into your crummy 4:1 VSWR system?)
It has a built-in antenna switch
It can be connected to two radios
It can be remoted
It is more or less "instant on"

87A Advantages

It is prettier
It is quieter (fan noise-wise)
It puts out more power
Nobody says "Click. I just turned on the Icom"

I understand that lots of this is personal preference but I will take others' opinions willingly! (BTW, don't tell me to just by another tranceiver and keep both because I have already accomplished that - and that runs with a 91B that I love)

73 de Dave

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