[Amps] 87A vs. IC-PW1

Larry Emery k1uo at uninets.net
Wed Feb 22 14:20:07 EST 2006

BTW:   I'd definately choose the 87A

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Emery" <k1uo at uninets.net>
To: "Jim Kearman" <jkearman at att.net>; "Van K7VS" <wa7fab at cdsnet.net>; 
<amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] 87A vs. IC-PW1

OTOH, if you tried it and still didn't like it does that mean your still a
Lid?    Gawd,  Ican't believe I've made it this far DXing (have them all)
and Contesting (Won my share) and still have not reverted to QSK!

Here's hoping I don't need that parachute <8^)

73 right back at ya!
Larry  K1UO

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Kearman" <jkearman at att.net>
To: "Van K7VS" <wa7fab at cdsnet.net>; <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] 87A vs. IC-PW1

From: "Van K7VS" <wa7fab at cdsnet.net>
> Gee....guess you can include me in your list of lids, there Jim!  Over 50
> thousand cw contest q's and never a qsk contact among them.

OTOH, if you've never used QSK, how do you know it wouldn't help? I've never
used a parachute, either, but in certain circumstances I hear they're pretty
handy. :)


Jim, KR1S
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