[Amps] Sick SB200

chuck H chuck96582000 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 22 18:09:07 EST 2006

Any of you guys know the  input impedence of two 
cetrons 572Bs? I need to retune the input network on
this SB200.
I checked tubes in another amp and they put out over
650 watts. I replaced band switch and have checked
everything else and can only think of one thing wrong:
when removing band switch you MUST unhook all the
input wires from input coils and they are very funny
about how they are replaced and what arrangement you
put the wires in when you rewire them. So I need to 
retune input network. So I need input impedence so I
can subsitute a resistor for tubes and manually close
tx relay and tune input with small amout from rig to
excite input network. So I need to know input
impedence of the two tubes to substitute. Any help?? 

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