[Amps] QSK or not

Ed Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Wed Feb 22 20:37:13 EST 2006

Hi Ron,

Whilst I agree that QSK really CAN be advantageous in a pile-up situation, I
personally find it to be EXTREMELY distracting, to the point of being an

When I monitor my signal, I like to do just that, i.e. monitor my

Judging by the many errors I hear being sent lately on the air --- numbers
in call signs missing dots, dashes shy on a character, etc. etc. --- it
seems obvious to me that I'm not the only victim of the distractions QSK
brings with it...I think to-day's operators are far sloppier in their
sending than those of, say, 25 years ago, when QSK may NOT have been as
prevalent as it is to-day...

Just my $0.02...

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Spencer" <ronspencer at nc.rr.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:40 PM
Subject: [Amps] QSK or not

> Alright! A good old pissing contest!
> While the statement that if you don't use QSK you are a LID is a bit over
> the top (OK, well over the top) I'm surprised too at the number of DXers
> that don't use it. How do I know that many do not? They are the ones that
> keep calling even after the DX came back to them....or worse someone else.
> We have all been in pile ups where someone will send their call 3 or 4
> without listening between them.
> I've been using QSK for many years (had an Alpha 76PA that my then
> N6ND modified for QSK) and I will NEVER go back. You may have heard me in
> pile ups. With QSK I can continue, with pretty good confidence, to call
> station knowing I haven't heard them come back to anyone yet. Many give up
> early which gives me a nice relatively clear shot. Do I mess up? Of
> course...but not as much as I would if I couldn't copy in between CW
> elements to hear if the DX has come back.
> Now QSK offers little benefit if you are the station others are answering.
> Who cares what happens during the time you pick out the station and call
> them? Or during a contest where no one is going to continue to call once
> you've answered a station. But for chasing DX either simplex or split I
> QSK to be a potent tool. One more way to beat the masses. So those of you
> not yet using it, please continue that way. It gives me and the others
> QSK and edge.
> Ron   N4XD
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