[Amps] Question abt YC-156/3CPX5000A7

HAROLD B MANDEL ka1xo at juno.com
Thu Feb 23 17:23:55 EST 2006


Be careful!

Clean the entire tube in hot sudsy water, then flush with
hot water.

Dry, and finish with a cleaning with rubbing alcohol. 

When done, re hipot and see what the current is.

If it is still suspicious, call Jerry Beugin at Economy Electronics
501 - 676 - 3234.

Tell Jerry you have a questionable tube and ask how to get a 
Zonum Industries test on the tube.

If Zonum says it is good, it is good enough for commercial service.

Zonum will put it into a variable anode and load after hipotting
and will curve it for HF and they will let you know the story.

I saved hundreds of dollars on pieces of shit that people told
me were good tubes but were not, and hundreds of dollars on
tubes people told me were duds, but all they needed was
a good burn-in.


On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 14:04:56 -0800 "k7rdx" <k7rdx at charter.net> writes:
> Have just finished hipot testing a yc-156...Pulls 15 micro-amps 
> between
> plate and grid at 13kv...Is it risky to pop this in the deck(6kv) 
> and check
> the output or is it likely gassy and might flashover?Dirty ceramic 
> fool the
> hipot?
> Thanks...Jim
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Harold Mandel
Superintendent of Construction
Baran Telecom Inc.
606 - 205 - 0172
hmandel at barantelecom.com

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