[Amps] QSK (okay, not QSK...)

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Fri Feb 24 10:01:04 EST 2006

Jim Brown wrote:
>On Fri, 24 Feb 2006 10:06:20 +0000, Ian White GM3SEK wrote:
>>Most people wouldn't dream of trying to interrupt a
>>contest transmission before it's finished
>Huh? I do it all the time!

Sorry, that wasn't clear. What I meant to say was : "Most people 
wouldn't dream of trying to interrupt the other station's contest 
transmission before it's finished, because it probably won't work and at 
best there is only about one second to be gained."

In other words, when you are sending a contest exchange using QSK, how 
often does the other station try to interrupt you?


>With respect to relays -- I own three models of Ten Tec amps, all
>bought used. I've replaced the high voltage relays in the two that
>I've used most. Since both had a lot of miles on them before I
>bought them, I have no way of knowing if, or how many times, they
>might have been replaced. Replacements typically cost $40 (pulls
>from industrial gear) -$80 (new-Gigavac) if you know where to
>look. I own spares of both types.

Yes, know the ones, and have used the Jennings and Kilovac relays from 
Allen Bond.

Regardless of my own feelings, the customer is always right - the next 
generation of my Triode Board will have full support for QSK! If the 
user wants QSK, all he will need to provide are the high-speed RF relays 
or PIN switches. Testing for that board (with vacuum relays) is a long 
way down the line, and the next generation of Tetrode Boards will follow 

73 from Ian GM3SEK

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