[Amps] DIN stands for....?

Joe Isabella n3ji at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 24 22:12:04 EST 2006

I just use lots of flux and tin both sides.  Sometimes you have to scrape the plating off the pins, too.  A real quick touch with the iron, and I'm done.  The buggers are the 13 pin DINs that don't use cups -- start with the engineer that designed that one, please.  My 706s and my TS-950SDX all use them.  I've built amp interfaces, PSK interfaces, audio cabling, or combinations thereof with those.
  Oh MAN....  I just realized, I use an Ungar 9900 -- isn't that German??  No wonder I haven't had too many problems.  Get yourselves a German soldering station, and you'll be fine.

Phil Clements <philc at texascellnet.com> wrote:
  > My next thoughts came as the plastic holding the pins in place
> softened as I was soldering them. My pins wandered around and when
> the plastic hardened again, they look like a game of pick-up-sticks.
> I now realize that soldering the wires is a two step process: solder
> the wire, then melt the pins back in place. I could never get them
> back exactly right. I hope the DIN jack is sloppy enough that they
> will fit anyway. I suspect it will be.

I learned a long time ago to get a piece of wood; 1X2, 2X4, etc. Put the
plug pins down on the board and lightly tap it with a hammer. Where each
point made an indentation in the wood, drill a hole the size of a pin. Now
you have a jig that will hold the little bugger for you, and the pins won't
move if the plastic part is resting on the board. Take a piece of aluminum
foil and fold it several times. Push the pins of the plug through the foil
before inserting it into the board for a heat-sink.

> My next thought came as a dream. I dream that am appointed President
> of ICOM. My first act is to locate the engineer who specified DIN
> connectors on our otherwise fine radios. I call him into my office
> and we have a chat. I ask why he spoiled a fine rig with DIN plugs.
> He tells me and we have a good laugh. I ask if he has ever heard of
> RCA plugs. He asks "How do you spell that?" and we have another good
> laugh. His body is never found.

Those little Japanese girls on the Icokenseu assembly lines have no problem
at all with these with their tiny hands and tiny soldering irons.

> I then dream that I am made President of Germany, where the DIN plug
> originated. Before long, maps of Europe no longer have any place
> called "Germany" on them, only a large blank space. Mail to Germany
> is returned undelivered, even email does not go through and web sites
> are all 404. Psychologists everywhere notice that people's
> frustration levels are dropping dramatically and assaults and murders
> decline to practically nothing.

It's hard to believe that the Mercedes, Porsche, BMW, and ME-109 came from
there too? I wonder if the V-2 rocket had DIN plugs aboard????

I guess it might be an economic motivation, as I suspect 70% of today's rice
box owners have to pay to have the cables made.

Keep the faith, Bill!

Phil Clements, K5PC

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