[Amps] RE : DIN stands for....?

Bill Turner dezrat at copper.net
Mon Feb 27 09:51:13 EST 2006


At 06:27 AM 2/27/2006, hermans wrote:
>  And finally with this BIG DIN-BURGER-STORY, I still wasn't able to find
>a 8 pin DIN that fits in my FT1000mp to pick-up the band change Data.
>Be aware, the 7 pins are NOT in a circle, and the eight pin is NOT in
>the center.
>Who can solve this real problem ?
>Thanks for a shout.
>Jos on4kj

Mouser in the US has a lot of 8-pin DIN plugs which will fit the 
FT-1000MP, but I'm sure there are lots of suppliers in Europe, where 
the thing originated in the first place.

Are you saying the European 8-pin DIN plugs don't fit the Yaesu?

73, Bill W6WRT

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