[Amps] RE : DIN stands for....?

Bill Turner dezrat at copper.net
Mon Feb 27 11:05:22 EST 2006


At 08:01 AM 2/27/2006, Robert Dorchuck W6VY wrote:
>The band data uses a special 8 pin DIN plug - spacing is different
>than the standard.  The arc is 262 degrees.
>They are available at:
>It is the DB8/262 - it says Kenwood but it is the only one that
>fits the band data on the FT-1000MP.
>The only ones I have seen on Mouser are the 270 degree arc ones.
>Bob  W6VY

I stand corrected on the band data connector. On my FT-1000MP I only 
used the ACC connector and that is a standard 8-pin, common as dirt.

73, Bill W6WRT

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