[Amps] Vegetable oil dummy load

Gary Smith wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 28 15:24:16 EST 2006

Har har hee hee and a BIG chortle.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Hill" <g4fph at mjha.co.uk>
To: "Amps Reflector" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Vegetable oil dummy load

> Gary,
> I believe that to make what you did sound a lot more technical, you
> should have left out the detail that could be understood by all and
> instead cited it as an example of Pointing Vector Synthesis; E x H
> etc!  Just think how many of your wideband, EH, no-space, no-radial,
> something for nothing, miracle, crossed-field, finger-lickin'
> specials you could have sold on eBay!!
> Regards.
> Mark.
> -----------------------------------------
> At 18:02 28/02/2006, you wrote:
>>Although this sounded silly (to me) at first, I had heard of using a dummy
>>load for 160 mtr contacts.  Doubting this would work, I hoisted the dummy
>>load up forty feet or so in the air and worked more contacts than I would
>>have ever imagined with a 1:1 swr across the 160 band.  However, my dummy
>>load had xfrmr oil in it, needless to say there was no  "finger lickin'
>>good" aroma in the air.
> *******************************************
> Mark Hill - G4FPH
> E-mail: g4fph at mjha.co.uk
> Current web pages at: www.g4fph.net
> Old web pages at: www.qsl.net/g4fph
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dipoles resonant on 1942 / 3720 / 7085 kHz
> Three element wire beam coming soon on 14180 kHz!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Remember - SIDE for HV safety:
> S witch off
> I solate
> D ump
> E arth
> *******************************************
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