[Amps] Again

Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH) w5uc at cox.net
Sun Jul 2 07:30:57 EDT 2006

There clearly are individuals on this reflector who are more knowledgeable than me, so I will ask this question again, but in a differently worded form.  How does the impedance of the PA tank affect the over-all efficiency of the amplifier? W8JI said yesterday that a tank whose impedance is, say 2100 ohms, and connected to a Pa with a calculated load impedance of 1333 ohms would produce a very efficient PA but it would have poor linearity.  BUT, what happens to efficiency if the tank impedance matches the load impedance?   Again, how does the impedance of the PA tank affect the over-all efficiency of the amplifier?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Thanks & 73,
Mike, W5UC


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