[Amps] Maximum RF output in practical application: 4-250A

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Sun Jul 2 10:03:04 EDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <wc6w at juno.com>
>  Some further details are shown in the Proceedings of the IRE, Vol.
> 44, December 1956, pp 1706-1712.  The curious may wish to recalculate
> the numbers in Appendix One with a 90% efficient RF power stage, in
> lieu the 80%, plus a 90% efficient Class D audio modulator instead of
> the (55% efficient) 1950's vintage Class B stage.
>  An article describing a 90% efficient RF stage is posted on my
> webpage at: 
>  http://wc6w.50webs.com/wc6wamps/index.html?fr422.html
> Soooo...now, how much power does the plate have to dissipate, running
> 2KW peak, if it's 90% efficient?  Don't forget that the average power
> of a (two-tone) SSB signal is only half the peak.  The tube won't even
> glow.


There is an intersting article in QEX this month where the
author describes a 2KW PEP 80/40 meter output amplifier 
using 4 TV sweeps tubes with a switchmode power supply 
providing envelope restoration. Claimed 3rd IMD at 2KW
PEP is 35 dB below a single tone at 83% efficiency. Weight 
(including power supply) is only 8 kilograms. 

73, Mike W4EF................................

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