[Amps] again

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Mon Jul 3 08:22:40 EDT 2006

> Meanwhile back at the ranch, I
> looked up the formulas for calculating the values in a 
> pi-network in the
> ARRL Handbook, and put them into a Microsoft Excel 
> spreadsheet.
> Interestingly, when I did the calculations for my 
> operating conditions, and
> those in the schematic, they were far apart as far as 
> values are concerned;
> thus the reason for the inquiry here on the reflector. I 
> will probably go
> with the values that provide the correct match for the 
> operating conditions
> in my amp.  Thanks for the response.


Looking back at the posts it *seems to me* you are thinking 
the design of the tank sets the load Z at the tube. That's 
what I think is going on, so I'll answer that way.

It really doesn't matter much what you initially set Q at 
when the tank has more than one adjustment knob, as long as 
you stay within a reasonable amount. Many people 
over-engineer network operating Q. The design of the tank 
sets the loaded or operating Q,  most of the time, is only a 
rough approximation using plate tuning cap Cx/R where R is 
the anode operating or load impedance presented by the 
network. Pick up many books and you'll see they start that 
way. They say "set Q at 12-14" and they use a rough 
approximation like Ep/ 1.5*I  = RL  or some other very rough 
approximations. Then the builder spends two weeks trying to 
get within 1% of a number that might be 50% off and not mean 
much in the first place.

You can drive yourself crazy, as most people do, trying to 
get tank operating Q to some mystical magical number like 
12. The truth is "12" is a number that was largely pulled 
out of a place between the back pockets of our jeans ....and 
the operating Q most people and amateur books list and use 
is an approximation also.

If we design the tank for an operating Q of 12 it might wind 
up being 9 or 20 in operation, and we won't notice the 
difference as long as operating Q is between some wide 

Here are the limits:

The lower Q limit is some value more than the square root of 
the operating R of the tube loadline over the load 
resistance at the output plus a margin. If the tube loadline 
winds up at 5000 ohms and the load is 50,  that's a 
5000/50=100 and the square root is 10. We need a minimum Q 
that is some reasonable value over 10, or the network will 
not work as a pi.  What  happens if we don't do that is the 
loading cap will be "mushy" and the output might peak with 
minimum loading C. This comes from a network operating Q 
that is too low.

The upper limit is generally where circulating currents get 
so high things desolder or heat up. If we doubled Q tank 
losses would approximately double, but they are so low in a 
good tank it doesn't matter much anyway for overall 
efficiency. After all, if we have 1% tank loss and we double 
it is only 2%. That number gets lost in the other losses we 
cannot control. You'd be amazed at how little power loss it 
takes to heat up a component in a 1000 watt amplifier, so 
the real problem is generally heating....not efficiency.

Low order harmonics change with network operating Q, but 
even that isn't as bad as we might think. Even doubling 
network Q won't help if something is way out of spec.

So here is my suggestion. Just look at the LOWEST possible 
operating impedance you might have by approximation. Put 
your favorite little conduction angle fudge factor in there 
too. That would be the very lowest Ep/ x*Ip you will ever 
have and the biggest conduction angle fudge factor. Say it 
is 3000/1.5 * 1 = 2000.  Now find the square root of the 
ratio to load impedance, and add a safety factor for 
headroom to that. 2000/50= 40. Sqrt 40= 6.3 and a fudge of 
4. That's ten. Now design for a network Q of ten into that 
load Z.

If the initial numbers came out 4000/50, you'd need an 
initial Q of 9 plus 4, or 13.

Under any other condition the optimum anode operating 
impedance will be higher, and the network Q will go up, so 
you will always exceed the minimum requirement by at least 
your initial fudge factors. Say you only run half the 
current at the same conduction angle. The impedance would 
approximately double and the network operating Q, when 
adjusted for maximum power transfer, would also 
approximately double.

Does this make sense to you?

73 Tom 

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