[Amps] Maximum RF output in practical application: 4-250A
Joe Subich, W4TV
w4tv at subich.com
Mon Jul 3 12:23:33 EDT 2006
N3JI writes:
> Really Joe?? So how many rigs do you have with an "ISB" button?
> None of mine do. It does however have an AM button, as well as
> 4k+ (at -6dB) of SSB right out of the box.
Modern radios will only do 4K+ of SSB if you bypass the if filter
which is generally 2.7 to 3.0 KHz wide at the - 6dB point or use
outboard equalization techniques to "make up" for the losses on
both filter skirts. Both techniques are bad engineering practice
and can result in additional distortion and/or interference to
adjacent users.
> The justification for BW greater than 3k is exactly the reason
> you stated -- this is Amateur Radio, and we should be free to
> experiment as such.
Nonsense ... that argument would have amateur radio returning to
unfiltered and unshaped spark signals. The rules already call for
using no more bandwidth that necessary ... for voice circuits that
bandwidth is "toll grade" audio.
> That said, mis-tuned amps, slamming ALCs, etc. (in other words, a
> lot of contesters & DX'ers) should be admonished for their operating
> behavior, as well as anyone else that thinks "all knobs & meters
> to the right" is the way to operate.
I'm not defending the "all knobs to the right" crowd. Their behavior
is also wrong.
> In other words, "Good audio is an Amateur Radio Tradition, not a
> Crime" (borrowed tag line from another Amateur).
There is nothing wrong with good (clean) audio. However, those
who bypass or replace 2.7 KHz filters with 4 to 6 KHz filters or
preemphasize audio into the microphone input of a rig in order to
generate SSB signals from 4 to 6 KHz wide or 10 KHZ+ wide AM
signals are "passing gas" in church.
... Joe, W4TV
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