[Amps] Maximum RF output in practical application: 4-250A

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Mon Jul 3 19:34:21 EDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <w4tv at subich.com>
> keeping with good engineering practice which would be in violation 
> of the rules.  This is exactly why the ARRL proposal to regulate 
> emission by bandwidth is needed - to address both the "all knobs 
> to the right" and the selfish "I need 5 KHz audio" attitudes. 
>> Until then, you're wasting time and "bandwidth".
> As you are wasting a far more scarce resource ... amateur spectrum. 
> 73, 

Amateur spectrum is only transiently scarce, Joe, and you know it. Most
evenings out here on the west coast, 160, 75, and 40 meters SSB are 
desolate. If Art Bell and his buds want to crank open their BW to 4 KHz
on 3840, I don't see the harm. 

73, Mike W4EF..................................................

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