[Amps] L4-B Power Supply

Tom Sessions radio_k4rv at peoplepc.com
Tue Jul 4 11:09:02 EDT 2006

After a lighnting hit I found 2 damaged filter capacitors in my L-4B power 
supply.  I decided to replace all of them. While shopping the web and 
catalogs for replacements, I quickly discovered that exact value 
replacements would be considerably physically smaller than the originals, 
and that modern capacitors of larger capacitance and/or higher voltage 
ratings than the originals could easily be fitted into the power supply.

What, then is my best option.
(1) I could choose capacitors with larger capacity.
(2) I could choose capacitors with higher voltage ratings.
(3) Both (1) and (2) together
(4) I could choose capacitors of the original ratings and possibly use the 
extra space for something else.

Most of the capacitor choices I found were of the type using snap in 
terminals.  Into what do these terminals snap?  Can I just mount the 
capacitors and then solder leads to their snap in terminals, or is there a 
snap in receptacle of some sort available?

Tom K4RV 

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