[Amps] Solid state amp

Keith LaBorde - K4KAL k4kal at arrl.net
Thu Jul 6 10:06:40 EDT 2006

Not a joke...
They are not very good on updating there website.
It is my understanding this product has been in the works for over 2 years.
I didn't see it, but it was at Dayton this year and friends who have are all 
excited about it.
It is my understanding it is waiting for FCC Acceptance.
If you call Elecraft they will put you on a email list to let you know when 
its available.

I currently own 2 Alpha 99 Amplifiers, and had a strong interest in the 
Alpha 9500.
Two years ago, I was going to put a deposit down on one... and if you visit 
there website they are still taking deposits an no units shipping yet!
The last email I exchanged with Andrew he said the amp was delayed because 
Gordon was on the 3Y0X DXpedition.
Also, individuals like myself continue to have problems obtaining 
replacement parts from Alpha.
If you go to there website you can see they don't have replacement fan 
motors for many of there older products.
Yet what I find interesting, they are still taking orders for new amplifiers 
which they don't have fans for?

I am waiting for this KPA1500 to become available before I make my decision.
I can only hope Alpha can get there problems resolved, I hate to see them go 
out of business.

Keith, K4KAL

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin Sole" <msole at loxinfo.co.th>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 9:11 AM
Subject: [Amps] Solid state amp

> With all this talk about these medium voltage FETs I am reminded that
> earlier this year there was mention of two solid state amps from
> Elecraft, KPA800 and KPA1500. Anybody hear anything recently? I see
> nothing on their website or reflector so presumably it was a joke/hoax.
> Cheers,
> Martin, HS0ZED
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