[Amps] QEX Innovative Tube Linear?

Will Matney craxd1 at verizon.net
Fri Jul 7 16:48:36 EDT 2006

It was supposed to be 1.5 kilowatt, or 1500 watts. I was thinking 1.5 kW when I wrote it, sorry for the misprint.

At the time, 8908's or M-2057's were $12 US each in quantity. That was $96 for 8 tubes where an Eimac 4CX250B was about the same price or more for one tube. Now, the EL519 is about all that's available at about $15 US each. A quantity of about 10-12 would be needed to equal the output of the 8 8908's since their output is not as great. For 10 though, that would be $150 in tubes unless you could find a vendor to sell them cheaper. If I recall, the old Galaxy amateur amp ran 10 sweep tubes didn't they?



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On 7/7/06 at 3:31 PM Bill Fuqua wrote:

>At 12:06 PM 7/7/2006 -0400, you wrote:
>>I ran a quantity of eight 8908's or M-2057's G-G to get 1500+ kW PEP out 
>>of a sweep tube amp using 900 Vdc on the anodes.
>Wow, 1.5 MW...I think you slipped a decimal or forgot to drop the k.
>Those sweep tubes are costly now. It would be cheaper to run 5 or 6 
>4CX250Bs or 4x150As now.
>Bill wa4lav

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