[Amps] Datasheet limits

Will Matney craxd1 at verizon.net
Sat Jul 8 22:21:24 EDT 2006



Actually you could get the curves on up to the design-maximum, but you had to request them from the manufacturer. I used to have everything on the two tubes I used (8950, and M-2057) years ago, but then again I was buying like 250 to 500 tubes at a time from CECO. They would in turn either get the info from GE for me, or tell me who to contact down in Owensboro, Ky. The design-maximum was really saying each batch of tubes would give a good service life if the tubes were ran under it. When you read the quote about the design-maximum I posted earlier, one can understand why they have it.

73, Will

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On 7/8/06 at 9:52 PM john wrote:

>>For example, my RCA data sheets for the 6LQ6 only have 
>>constant current charts that go to 450 volts dc. Why is it 
>>now OK to specify 900 volts when it is off the charts, when 
>Maximums are not given on curves, but in the tables. Curves
>show "typical" applications, and are not guaranteed.  
>A/the  major reason not to exceed datasheet limits is that even
>if an application which exceeds datasheet limits works today, theres
>no guarantee that it will with the next batch of devices.  Of course
>if your application stops working and you're outside spec application
>limits, the followup discussion with the apps guy is going to be quite
>John K5MO
>Amps mailing list
>Amps at contesting.com

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