[Amps] FL2100B

carl s. carlseye at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Jul 11 18:06:46 EDT 2006

      I 'm having a problem with this amp .
      It seems that when I raise the input power beyond a certain point,
using apulser , the input swr jumps up and down , which to me would seem to
   that something is breaking down. It does this on all bands so I would
suspect something which is common to all bands, like the input coupling
cap(s) which currently are a pair of  .01's, 2kv, ceramic. The tubes are new
(572B's) but that doesnt mean too much to me as they are chinese.!!
    Except for that Swr on the input the amp otherwise is putting out
between 600-700 watts (PEP) and appears perfectly stable, and I've used the
  mods, per our friend Rich.
     I'd like any opinions you all might care to give, as to whether I'm
worrying too much or not.!!! the input power is in the range of 65-75
     carl / kz5ca

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