[Amps] Mica cap substitute \ alternative

R L Measures r at somis.org
Thu Jul 13 07:55:48 EDT 2006

The information on mica capacitor current ratings came from a guy  
called "Lenk" in Oceanside, California,  At the time of the caveat  
from Lenk, I was shopping for RF padder caps.   As I recall, Lenk's  
last name was Lenkert.  He and an older mostly-retired fellow owned  
an electronic emporium that specialized in surplus transmitting  
components.  A small part of the store was devoted to a mini-museum  
of early transmitting apparatus.  As I recall, in a glass display  
case, he had an airborne spark transceiver from WW-I.

On Jul 13, 2006, at 4:13 AM, Tom W8JI wrote:

>  So we are  told that some manufacturers derate some mica
> caps above 5MHz. Others have caps that in slightly different
> applications have ratings that are high. Some mica caps can
> handle high currents in the VHF range. Dissipation factor
> wouldn't, prima facie. seem to be the critical parameter
> between all these products.

Dissipation factor is related to dielectric heating, and internal  
heat is seemingly a factor in capacitor life.

>> I can't say that I'm any the wiser - possibly a little
>> better informed.
>> 73
>> Peter G3RZP
> Here's something I noticed about technical questions or
> topics.  If someone gives a simple authoritative answer that
> everyone can just accept on the surface without having to
> understand the actual problem, it gets accepted.

I did not accept what Lenk told me unquestioningly.  Instead, I went  
home and dug through a junk box of WW-II surplus mica transmitting  
caps.  When I saw that current rating decreased as frequency  
increased, I concluded that Lenk knew what he was talking about.

> That seems
> to be true even when the answer is so grossly oversimplified
> it winds up being wrong in the big picture.
> I think it is rooted in wanted an answer without learning
> how something really works.

I agree, Tom.
> 73 Tom
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R L MEASURES, AG6K. 805-386-3734
r at somis.org

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