[Amps] Hi Mu correction

Phil Clements philc at texascellnet.com
Wed Jul 19 14:04:57 EDT 2006

less at a given bias voltage.
> The low mu or amplification factor 3CX3000A1 requires
> hundreds of volts bias for normal operation, while the high
> mu 3cx3000A7 requires only a few  volts bias. 

A 3CX3000A7 running @ 4800-5000 volts on the anode in class AB2 (cathode
driven) idles @ c. 350 ma ZSAC, with zero bias applied. With a drive
impedance of 50 ohms, and instant-on heater, this is my favorite tube for a
search/and/pounce amp, and for those brief openings on 160 meters. A real
pleasure to build up and operate; not to mention all the headroom.

Phil Clements, K5PC

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