[Amps] Grid fuses (was: Life and gain of 3-500Z)

R L Measures r at somis.org
Fri Jul 21 07:37:28 EDT 2006

On Jul 21, 2006, at 3:11 AM, Peter Voelpel wrote:

> Rich,
> Yes, they are as low inductive as 1cm wide straps can be

So they are both  non-inductive as well as low-inductive?   
Remarkable.   How much L would you estimate there is in say a 10cm of  
1cm wide Cu strap?
> 73
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: R L Measures [mailto:r at somis.org]
>> I always directly ground all grids with wide copper straps to the
>> chassis
> Are these wide straps non-inductive?


R L MEASURES, AG6K. 805-386-3734
r at somis.org

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