[Amps] making sinks black

Jim Tonne tonne at comcast.net
Sat Jul 22 12:57:06 EDT 2006

Roy wrote:

>  Black bodies radiate and absorb heat many times 
> more efficiently than a white or shiny body.

I have heard it said that this is largely true at extreme
temperatures.  Might be nice to have someone dissipate a
"real world" amount of power (say 100 watts) in a heat
sink of raw aluminum and do it again with an identical
sink that is black.  I have a hunch that the heatsinks will
have similar temperatures.

>  Try wearing a nice black tee shirt in the direct sun as 
> compared to a white one.

Absolutely no question here but isn't this a case of 
absorbing heat as opposed to radiating it?

- Jim WB6BLD

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