[Amps] Recommended 3-500's

Martin Sole msole at loxinfo.co.th
Sun Jul 23 01:38:25 EDT 2006

The Henry 2K Classic X heavy duty is now useable it seems. It is going 
to need a complete strip down and cleaning, a sort of mini restoration 
but it does look as if it is going to be a very nice amplifier when 
sorted. Of the two tubes that came with it one is known to be bad. A 
little drive causes it to light up like an ultra violet neon tube with a 
resounding 'pop' this happens easier at the higher anode voltage and is 
generally followed by a series of louder pops and a big 'bang'. I 
presume this is a tube fit for nothing other than looking at and as a 
result I want to consider how I might best replace it.

The bad tube is an Eimac 3-500Z date code 8849. The good one is also an 
Eimac 3-500Z date code 8611.

Should I consider a single tube or only a matched pair?

Is there a preferred supplier? RFP seems to get good reviews.

Will anybodies tubes fit inside the glass chimneys?


Martin HS0ZED

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