[Amps] 572B grid

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Sun Jul 23 14:36:51 EDT 2006

Yes but 170W into 2x572B´s that´s heavy. I bet IMD
was quite poor.
I´m not familiar with the 30L-1 but for a SB-200 around
75W is enough.
However I remember back in the early 70´ties the school
I went to had a SB-200 and a TR-4 I used most every
lunch break, the darn SB-200 got so hot that the lid had
to be open all the time plus it would pop the fuse/breaker
ever so often, I bet the darn thing ran a KW output but
also splattering quite a bit. Nobody did complain and
I didn´t know better.
However those 572B´s where quite long lived, as far as
I know during the 2 years I was there we never replaced
any tubes.

73 Jim SM2EKM

Vic K2VCO wrote:
> Vic K2VCO wrote:
>>kenw2dtc wrote:
>>> "I've never understood the raison d'etre for the introduction of the 572B. 
>>>I gather it was meant as a cheap SSB tube"
>>>Perhaps this tech bulletin from 1964 will explain:
>>This is very interesting, because it contradicts what I've believed: 
>>that the 572B offers no additional power output over the 811A unless you 
>>raise the plate voltage.  But this bulletin says that simply plugging 
>>them into a 30L1 and increasing drive will increase power output by 33%. 
>>  What's the truth here?
> I take it back.  That's 33% *without* increasing drive.  It's 75% if you 
> increase drive!

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