[Amps] [??????????????]Re: [??????????????]Re: 3-500Z convertion

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Mon Jul 24 01:43:57 EDT 2006

My mailserver didn´t want to forward this message,
sohu.co is a "non-existant domain it reports.
I send to AMPS list instead.

Well I based my point of view on what a friend told me
a few years ago. He did try a 4X500 in GG but could not
get enough ideling current (too low ZSAC).

However maybe it is all wrong. I just checked a data
sheet, you can look here

Frankly a 4X500 is very similar to 4-250 and 4-400
and they work just fine in GG, if you have enough
plate voltage on them.
As far as I can tell reading the data it looks like
it would work however the plate voltage might be a bit on
the low side.
I would say, for 2 tubes you want atleast 100mA in ideling
current (ZSAC), more would be better but my guess is that
100-120mA would be pritty much on the safe side.

Please tell me how it works if you try. You see I have quite
many brand new 4X500 tubes myself so it´s interesting.

If I was wrong I´m sorry if I did misslead you.

73 Jim SM2EKM

Hsu wrote:
> Jan, 
>  you have mentioned that 4X500 doesn't work in GG, could tellme the reason?it is due to the more deep bias? Btw, coud you tell me what the ZASAC?thanks!
>             73! Hsu

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