[Amps] "Tubes 201" - How Vacuum Tubes Really Work

Chris Howard chris at yipyap.com
Mon Jul 24 10:59:05 EDT 2006

On Mon, 2006-07-24 at 04:33, Tom W8JI wrote:

> > I myself have a bit of a hard time with the universal
> > negative: "that will never work" type of argument.
> > But I appreciate that folks on both sides have a lot
> > more experience that I do.
> No one I saw ever said "it won't ever work" in the sense 
> that the user would notice a problem.
> What most people said is it is a very bad idea, certainly 
> not the best way to protect things, and may actually be 
> harmful.

Sorry, I wasn't clear.  I mean't "it won't ever work"
as in: it won't provide anything thing useful toward it's
intended purpose.

There's a lot of space between "very bad idea" and
"not the best way to protect things".

I'm looking forward to that reading list of peer reviewed
engineering textbooks.. maybe I can keep an eye out for
them at some of the used bookstores around here.


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