[Amps] re; The maximum amount of 811As and 572Bs in parallel
Jbenson at sohu.com
Mon Jul 24 18:14:27 EDT 2006
I just download 572B datasheet.it appear that the driving power of tube is 4.2W @Class B SSB two tone service,
and Ameritron AL572(4*572B), typical drive for CW power out put =75W, maximum SSB drive power permissible=110W,if in put 30W*4=120 W, it should over drived.
73! Hsu
----- Original Message -----
From: "R L Measures" <r at somis.org>
To: "Hsu" <Jbenson at sohu.co>; "Hsu" <Jbenson at sohu.com>
Cc: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] re; The maximum amount of 811As and 572Bs in parallel
> On Jul 23, 2006, at 6:28 PM, Hsu wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just read the datasheet of 811A and 572B, I find that 811A
>> and 572B only need
>> no more than 10W drive power ,
> In Class C grid-driven, yes. In Class AB2 cathode driven, they need
> around 30W of drive each.
>> drive 10*572Bs or 811As would be need no morthan
>> 100W.Is the loss of in put match work will have too large?
>> 73! Hsu
>>>>>> Tektronix used to use c. 10 tubes in their O'scopes' deflection
>>>>>> plate
>>>>>> amplifiers. The story about paralleling more tubes having too
>>>>>> much C
>>>>>> is a large pooper scooper of taurine feces because if the # of
>>>>>> tubes
>>>>>> is doubled, twice as much C in needed to keep the operating Q
>>>>>> in the
>>>>>> desired 10 - 15 range. If I had 300W of drive, I would not
>>>>>> hesitate
>>>>>> to build an amplifier with 10, 572Bs or 811As.
>>>>>> cheers, Hsu
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