[Amps] Fw: "Tubes 201" - How Vacuum Tubes Really Work

Peter Voelpel df3kv at t-online.de
Wed Jul 26 07:33:47 EDT 2006

All R&S TV transmitters using the THxxx family of tubes have the thyristor
crowbar and glitch resistor installed in their power supplies


-----Original Message-----
From: Karl-Arne Markström [mailto:sm0aom at telia.com] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2006 13:20
To: Peter Voelpel; amps at contesting.com

Preferences of individual design teams seem to govern if the "glitch
resistor" or "crow-bar" route is taken. 
Collins used the "crow-bar" on the 204J-1, but not on the 208U and HF-8022,
Philips and Telefunken used ignitron
"crow-bars" in their 30 and 100 kW systems. 

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