[Amps] TL-922 question

Peter Voelpel df3kv at t-online.de
Wed Jul 26 16:42:31 EDT 2006


indeed the weak point is the transformer which I guess is not better then
0,8-1KVA CCS.
The lower ZSAC will not change much.
You have to improve the cooling dramatically, which is not sufficient
I would not do that anyway, the next weak points are the band switch and the
solder points of the coils.


-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Vic K2VCO
Sent: Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2006 22:21
To: Amps reflector
Subject: [Amps] TL-922 question

This should be noncontroversial.

The TL-922 manual includes several warnings against operating the 
amplifier on CW in the SSB position (The CW/SSB switch changes the 
no-load plate voltage from about 2KV in the CW position to 3KV for SSB).

My feeling is that the 'serious damage' that they are warning about 
would be a burned out plate transformer as a result of the slightly 
higher duty cycle of CW.  The transformer looks a little lightweight for 
this application.

However, if the mode switch did not reduce the voltage for CW, but 
instead increased the bias to limit the ZSAC to close to zero, the load 
on the transformer would be significantly reduced.  The increased IMD 
would be irrelevant for CW.

But... reduced enough to safely allow CW (not RTTY!) operation at 2600v 
(loaded) and 700-800 ma?  Any comments?
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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