[Amps] flash arcs

R L Measures r at somis.org
Wed Jul 26 17:08:44 EDT 2006

On Jul 26, 2006, at 4:12 AM, Tom W8JI wrote:

>> According to Gossling's paper in the Journal of the IEE
>> (which means it was certainly peer reviewed!), flash arcs
>> is slightly affected by residual gas: the 'clean up'
>> effect of the arc can lower the flashing voltage. He
>> recommends series resistance in the anode supply (now
>> where have we seen that recommended!) but says that it
>> isn't generally pracitcable with valves over 10kW. He
>> comments that the 'most general visible after effect is
>> widespread tree like markings on the grid and filament
>> supports. The fine wires in the active part of the grid
>> are, however, never damaged.'
> That's exactly the type of damage I have seen. As I posted
> earlier, 3-500z's generally mark the grid support cone at
> the bottom with very fine lines.

Since the top of the grid cone is closer to the anode than the bottom  
is, why wouldn't the arc take place at the shorter distance?
> 73 Tom
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R L MEASURES, AG6K. 805-386-3734
r at somis.org

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