[Amps] plexiglas isolation in coils

Peter Voelpel df3kv at t-online.de
Fri Jul 28 13:19:37 EDT 2006

Running any Heathkit at the same power level as the AL1200 on RTTY will blow
off the Heathkit very quickly.
Repaired a lot of SB-220 with melted band switches and HV transformers.
Anyway, both are toys...


-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Bob Maser

Mighty Fine Junk that Ameritron.  I don't know why you guys buy that s--t. 
Don't give me that "good amp for the price" speech because it makes Heathkit

amp owners mad cuz they have do have a great amp for the price and MFJ 
doesn't come close to Heathkit.

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